The Identity Blog

The SailPoint Blog
The Changing Landscape of Supply Chain Management in the Wake of COVID-19

The impacts of COVID-19 on business operations and the economy is complex and continuing to evolve. To better understand what we are facing today, we will first look at a few principles and trends from the 1950s and how they are forcing organizations to rethink their operations. We will dive into some of the potential short- and long-term impacts on consumers and the import...

What Identity Governance is (Not)

I often catch articles in my newsfeed that are supposedly about identity governance, but upon reading the fine print, they invariably wind up being about access management. These articles are all missing the bigger picture – access management is essentially the ‘badge reader’ of identity, the granting of access to the proverbial building. But access is just the beginning, a...

Identity from the voice of our customers

In my last blog post, I discussed the importance of identity governance today as ‘business essential.’ In the last few months, this has become abundantly clear for companies of all sizes, across all industries, and all over the world. The quick pivot to a virtual workforce that many companies experienced in light of the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates how and why identity is...

Identity as ‘business essential’

In my line of work, I talk to a lot of people at companies of different sizes and industries. The vast majority of those people are charging down their digital transformation path with varying degrees of success and maturity. Some started early and are years into the process with most, if not all, of their business now housed in the cloud. Others took a more conservative ap...