The Identity Blog

The SailPoint Blog
State Governments Rely on SailPoint to Address Top Priorities

NASCIO recently released their top priorities for 2021. The NASCIO list is formed by a survey of its membership, whom it asks to prioritize the top issues they face. This year’s results we noticed a few shifts in the top priorities but many that stayed the same from the previous year. The priorities that were added or shifted are no doubt a result of the pandemic and subseq...

Identity Security, A View From the CISO’s Seat

With more than 40 years in IT, about 35 of that in security, Paul de Graaff knows identity inside and out. From implementing a cloud-first strategy to using AI & ML to do more with your program, Paul shares his identity insights in this interview with SailPoint CMO Juliette Rizkallah. Hello everyone, I’m Juliette Rizkallah, and I’m the Chief Marketing Officer for SailPoint...

Protecting Today’s Corporate Digital Identity with Identity Security

Today we try to safeguard our digital identity as much as our wallet and its contents. Our personal digital identity authorizes us to go about our day-to-day—logging into our bank account to pay bills, checking our Facebook page for notifications or scheduling an UberEats delivery for dinner —but then there is our professional digital identity. This version of us authentica...

Euroclear Trusts the Power of Identity

Meet SailPoint customer, Euroclear. Euroclear is one of the leading providers of settlement and related security services for cross-border transactions. They set out looking for an identity solution that would align with their zero-trust initiative. They needed a solution that would not only help them meet their immediate certification goals but would improve their overall ...

Why Working from Home Opened a Cybersecurity Pandora’s Box

Working from home means different things to different people. Almost by all, it’s considered a privilege made possible by technology. For some, it’s considered to be a bit of a challenge (at times) if you also have family members working from home or children (in my case, a five-month-old puppy). And for everyone, it’s considered a Pandora’s box for cybersecurity. Pandora’...

The Identity Lightbulb Moment

One of the things I run into a lot when talking with customers and prospects is this notion that identity governance is a project, a point-in-time initiative that fits in between a whole host of other IT priorities meant to support and match the velocity of the business. But let me be clear: identity governance is not and should not be considered a project. It’s a business...

Identity Governance is Business Essential

This year the pivot to virtual work happened practically overnight. It was unprecedented and it was mandatory. It was also enlightening. Join our CEO Mark McClain and CRO Matt Mills as they discuss how the past few months have revealed the critical role identity plays in securing your digital business. Watch the full talk here, including a discussion with a SailPoint custom...

Identity Myth Busting

Raise your hand if you’ve heard one of these phrases recently, nodded your head and thought – “yup, that’s ‘good enough’ for my identity management needs right there.” You’re covered if you have access management. Provisioning is simple, we can do that. With MFA, you’re protected. You don’t need governance, that’s just an audit thing. Well, I hate to be the bearer of b...

The Changing Landscape of Supply Chain Management in the Wake of COVID-19

The impacts of COVID-19 on business operations and the economy is complex and continuing to evolve. To better understand what we are facing today, we will first look at a few principles and trends from the 1950s and how they are forcing organizations to rethink their operations. We will dive into some of the potential short- and long-term impacts on consumers and the import...

What Identity Governance is (Not)

I often catch articles in my newsfeed that are supposedly about identity governance, but upon reading the fine print, they invariably wind up being about access management. These articles are all missing the bigger picture – access management is essentially the ‘badge reader’ of identity, the granting of access to the proverbial building. But access is just the beginning, a...