The Identity Blog

The SailPoint Blog
The Art of War on Enterprise Access Risks

If Sun Tzu were writing The Art of War today, unequivocally, he would add a few chapters and tactics to address today’s electronic warfare that extends beyond the battlefield. When penning his treatise on war approximately 2,400 years ago, Tzu wasn’t envisioning modern organizations around the world having to arm themselves to defend against cyber threats of every type—incl...

Identity Transformation in the Public Sector

SailPoint talked to Jason Corbishley, CISO, Police Digital Service; and Kurt Frary, Deputy Director of Information Management & Technology / CTO Norfolk County Council, about what identity management means to them. Identity is at the heart of access controls. As more and more people choose to work from home, public sector organisations have had to adopt a smarter and more ...

The (Identity Security) Easy Button

Remember the “easy button” from Staples that was all the rage in the workplace a few years ago? Well, I get this question all the time – is there a way to make this any easier, like an “easy button” for identity security? And truth be told, for what we do, the value we provide to customers, there isn’t an “easy button,” at least not in the traditional sense, but we do mak...

IRS’s Justin Abold-LaBreche shares his career story and how the IRS is digitally transforming its operations

When the discussion of “digital transformation” comes up, what often first springs to mind is the digital transformation of private sector businesses. But the reality is that public sector organizations are just as busy transforming the services they offer to their citizens. Consider the Internal Revenue Service’s newly created Enterprise Digitalization and Case Management ...

Zen and the Art of Identity Security

In the classic book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a father and son take a cross-country motorcycle trip to connect. While the book is as philosophical as you can get, for today, I want to focus on one concept in the novel that resonated with me and how it applies to our technological innovation, particularly with identity security, in the months to come. The f...

How to Incorporate SaaS Management Into Your Identity Security Program

This blog is part two in a three-part series exploring “What is SaaS Management?” In this installment, we’ll dig into the rise of SaaS and its incremental impact on identity security, and how this impacts IT teams. You can see the first installment of the series here: The Danger of SaaS Sprawl: How Unsecured Apps Compromise Your Security. Speed vs. security. It’s the etern...

An Ocean of Data: Securing Unstructured Data in the Cloud

In a previous article, SailPoint EVP of Product, Grady Summers, depicts two seismic trends posing significant problems and challenges within organizations today: the rapid adoption of Software as a Service (SaaS) – mainly through Shadow IT – and the creation and movement of massive amounts of sensitive corporate data into the cloud. Grady justifiably asserts that both of th...

Executive Insights: Steve McMahon Provokes Change at Splunk

Steve McMahon is the Chief Information Officer at Splunk. The CIO plays a critical role in helping IT professionals get the resources and the budget they need to maximize company productivity and make complex tasks easily achievable. The goal? Implement technology that is going to help your organization deliver a competitive advantage. The Path to CIO Steve’s career path ...

Reducing Audit Events Lag From 1 Hour to 1 Second

Authors: Ajay Srinivas, Mark Bruce What Are Audit Events? Audit events are critical to our clients for various reasons—most notably, compliance and troubleshooting. SailPoint’s Identity Security Platform audits all important changes to an identity such as role assignments, password change activities, access requests, and more. Audit events emitted by many different micro...

Building a Cybersecurity Program & Career with Stuart Powell, CISO of the Government of Jersey

As part of our Executive Career Insights Program, we sit down with executives all around the world to hear the journey that’s taken them to where they are professionally today and a few things they’ve learned along the way. For this installment, we talked to Stuart Powell, CISO of the Government of Jersey. Stuart, thanks for taking the time to chat with me today. How did y...