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Identity Management Day 2023

I regret to inform you that by the time you read this article, you will have missed Burrito Day (and Rat Day?!). Not to worry, though, you still have Look Up at the Sky Day, Eat What You Want Day, and Axe Throwing Day. While the celebrations for these days vary widely (and most certainly should *not* be combined), they all serve to bring their focus to the front of people’...

Identity security enabling enterprises

Authored by Ana Hilstad, Senior Product Marketing Manager Historically, identity security was not discussed on an executive level. But thankfully, that has changed. This shift was apparent throughout the sessions on the expo hall floor and in many of SailPoint’s customer conversations held at the Gartner IAM Conference two weeks ago. The added focus on identity security a...

World Backup Day 2023

According to Backblaze, 21% of people have never made a backup, which is way too low if you ask us. Today, the identity security community celebrates World Backup Day, and this holiday aims to educate individuals against data loss and data theft. But let’s start with the basics. What is a backup? A backup is a copy of all your important files — for example, your family ph...

My top takeaways from Gartner IAM 2023

Authored by Jaishree Subramania, Vice President of Product Marketing SailPoint was the premium partner for this year’s Gartner Identity & Access Management (IAM) Summit, which works to unite IAM and security leaders to foster identity-first security initiatives, modernize business models, and advise on a strong security posture in today’s identity era. The growth of identi...

SailPoint and Atlassian Jira Service Management

Authored by Adam Creaney, Senior Manager, Solutions Development Core to comprehensive Identity Security is the timely and efficient modification of access when required. SailPoint provides direct provisioning capabilities to our customers’ most critical enterprise applications. Still, we also recognize that many tools require manual intervention within the modern Informati...

Roping in identity security threats with SailPoint solutions

I love the rodeo. I said it. I love everything about the rodeo. From the livestock shows to the food vendors, the shopping, the concerts, and especially the rodeo events. Every year, as soon as my family gets our tickets, it feels like Christmas has come early, and I start counting down the days until we go. While I love the rodeo, I am also amazed by it. Every night for ab...

Top 10 signs your approach to non-employee identity management needs improvement

Authored by Mike Conti, Product Marketing Manager To increase flexibility and boost competitiveness, organizations have eagerly embraced a growing diverse population of consultants, partners, vendors, and other contingent labor, as well as non-human technologies like service accounts, bots, and smart devices. But it’s often difficult to gauge the maturity level of managing...

Time is of the essence: How reactionary access risk management can lose you money and reputation

Authored by Cameron Wilson, Product Marketing Manager Even though the pandemic made it feel like time is a flat circle, this is not true, especially regarding access controls, for which timing is vital. So what are access controls, you ask? Access controls certify authentication (users are whom they state they are) and authorization (they have suitable access to company da...

Enterprise security through the right lens

Have you ever stopped to look at something and thought, “Hm, that doesn’t look right”? Maybe it’s the painting hanging on the wall in your living room and you notice it’s slightly off-center one day as you’re packing up to leave for work. Or maybe it’s the project at work you’ve been working on for months, and you’ve hit a standstill. You step back and revisit all the wor...

Introducing Developer Days 2023

Developer Days 2023, our inaugural conference for developers, is happening March 7th-9th! First time hearing about Developer Days? We thought we’d give you some information to prepare for the best conference experience. Below are tips and tricks to getting the most out of your experience at Developer Days 2023. Who is presenting at Developer Days? Developer Days is made u...