
Demystifying Identity Security Automation

sailpoint dashboard showing access history including changes and an event timeline

Provision and Secure with Actionable Access Insights

Today’s dynamic work environments have produced monumental challenges for businesses. Organizations often lack comprehensive visibility and insights to their access data, which leads to a passive and reactive approach to identity governance. This approach puts them at greater risk of cyber-attacks, stagnant productivity, compliance issues, loss of trust and diminished reputation and financial losses.

Organizations need a proactive way to not only make better access decisions based on forward looking insights but make security teams more productive by providing the right access to the right users from the start of their digital transformations. AI-driven Identity Security is the first step towards achieving autonomous identity governance, but also can be a daunting undertaking without the right strategy, tools and support, sponsorship and buy-in from executive leadership.

Date: October 3, 2022

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Identity Security