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The SailPoint Blog
The Danger of SaaS Sprawl: How Unsecured Apps Compromise Your Security

This blog is part one in a three-part series exploring “What is SaaS Management?” In this installment we’ll dig into the rise of SaaS and its incremental impact on identity security and how IT teams are being impacted. If there’s one thing that every modern enterprise has in common, it’s that software as a service (SaaS) is absolutely everywhere. As companies embrace digit...

Two Speeding Trains: The SaaS Race and Securing Unstructured Data

Remember that age-old SAT question: “if two speeding trains are heading in the opposite directions at different speeds on the same track, how long will it take for them to collide?” In many ways, this feels like the reality of enterprise IT today when it comes to SaaS application adoption. The use of SaaS applications continues to speed up, but the ability for companies to ...

Three Questions With Linda Hernandez, Global Revenue Enablement Content Development Manager at SailPoint

In today’s #WomeninIdentity feature, we have Linda Hernandez, who works on our Revenue Enablement team! Read her story below, and read more Women in Identity features here. Before we dive in, can you give us a little background about who you are and how you got to SailPoint? The journey to the “top” is never like you plan it to be. I experienced the coined term “identity ...

Three Questions with Christine Whitlock, Product Manager at SailPoint

Christine Whitlock, Product Manager at SailPoint, has been on our crew for 2.5 years, but her identity career began long before that. After graduating from The University of Texas Austin, she was still deciding what she wanted to do with her degree in management of information systems. Though she wasn’t in search of a job in identity, it found her by way of a consulting job...

False Sense of Security

We’ve hit an identity security inflection point over the last few months. This was largely brought about as more organizations paid closer attention to how they were connecting their workers to the systems and data needed do to their job – particularly after last years’ massive pivot to “working from anywhere”. It wasn’t just a keener eye on how efficiently workers were giv...

Don’t Let Sleeping Hackers Lie—Identity Security Is One Trick to Combat Cyber Threats

If anyone asks me about why I joined SailPoint almost a year ago, they’re going to get an earful about how all security starts with identity. I’ve seen it for years: a breach that never would have occurred if the identity was properly secured. An intrusion that never would have become a headline if the identity had not been massively over-privileged. We often think that br...

Get the Most Out of Access Request

Self-Service Access Request is one example of a way that organizations enable new and seasoned employees so they can get the access they require to get their jobs done. The concept sounds simple, right? Give users a catalog of items to choose from, allow them to submit requests, and carry the request through necessary reviewers before granting the access. We have found tha...

Three Questions with Gina Miller, Reference Program Manager at SailPoint

Gina Miller may be a new SailPoint crew member, but she is right at home. Like many of us, her career path was less of a straight line and more of a winding, scenic road. Let’s break it down real quick – she studied economics and planned to go into finance but instead found herself in the start-up life. That unexpected turn gave her the chance to wear many hats – one of whi...

What Greek Mythology Can Teach Us About Access Modeling

For fans of Greek mythology, the story of Sisyphus is a bleak example of one assigned to a life of unending, monotonous tasks. Sisyphus ran afoul of Zeus one too many times and was assigned the grueling punishment of forever rolling a massive boulder up a hill. Every time Sisyphus rolled the boulder up the hill, it would roll down, every day, until the end of time. Does t...

Embed Identity Security with SailPoint’s Open, Extensible SaaS Platform

The global pandemic turned the world upside down with a new normal. Just look at the digital transformation. What might have taken five to 10 years before COVID-19 is happening right now in the blink of an eye. With many of us working remotely, technology-driven transformation is now front and center, driving an exponential proliferation of cloud applications as well as cyb...