Identity Talks

The SailPoint Blog
Why Working from Home Opened a Cybersecurity Pandora’s Box

Working from home means different things to different people. Almost by all, it’s considered a privilege made possible by technology. For some, it’s considered to be a bit of a challenge (at times) if you also have family members working from home or children (in my case, a five-month-old puppy). And for everyone, it’s considered a Pandora’s box for cybersecurity. Pandora’...

The Identity Lightbulb Moment

One of the things I run into a lot when talking with customers and prospects is this notion that identity governance is a project, a point-in-time initiative that fits in between a whole host of other IT priorities meant to support and match the velocity of the business. But let me be clear: identity governance is not and should not be considered a project. It’s a business...

Identity Governance is Business Essential

This year the pivot to virtual work happened practically overnight. It was unprecedented and it was mandatory. It was also enlightening. Join our CEO Mark McClain and CRO Matt Mills as they discuss how the past few months have revealed the critical role identity plays in securing your digital business. Watch the full talk here, including a discussion with a SailPoint custom...

Identity Myth Busting

Raise your hand if you’ve heard one of these phrases recently, nodded your head and thought – “yup, that’s ‘good enough’ for my identity management needs right there.” You’re covered if you have access management. Provisioning is simple, we can do that. With MFA, you’re protected. You don’t need governance, that’s just an audit thing. Well, I hate to be the bearer of b...