
Identity and security - what, why, and the how

ROI / TCOTechnology Alliances

No matter how well an enterprise IT infrastructure is locked down and/or monitored, there will always be people and machines that need access to it, making Identity THE critical piece, or the Core, of all cyber security efforts, always. Accordingly, 84% of all cyber security breaches involve a compromised identity. Join our guests as they discuss:

  1. What the core elements of an effective identity security program
  2. Why a strong identity security program is essential not only for a strong cyber security posture, but
  3. is also essential to the business of today’s modern enterprise
  4. How best to implement a strong identity security program.


  1. Rex Thexton, Senior Managing Director, Accenture
  2. Dharma Padala, Managing Director, Accenture

Discover the
journey forward

Accelerate your identity security transformation with confidence. Assess the maturity of your identity capabilities.