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  2. Episode 6: Solving Problems at Scale: Automation & Risk


Episode 6: Solving Problems at Scale: Automation & Risk

Phil Ross – CISO, Air New Zealand


This will be the “who we are episode”. We will talk about a case study or two: problems that customers have faced and how ID management helped overcome those problems. So that this episode doesn’t sound too much like a love-in, Rachael will take a Devil’s advocate position and pose some of the common questions that come up when people debate the merits of ID management.

Examples of possible questions:

  • How do you respond to concerns that automated identity verification is “intrusive” and “unduly burdensome” for people looking to access government services?
  • What do you say to concerns about racial bias in ID algorithms?
  • How do you respond to concerns around government or corporate surveillance and infringing on civilian privacy?

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First, we just need a few details

Episode 1

The Future of Work: Security in the Age of the Distributed Workforce

Martin Longley – Head of Digital Experience @ MYOB

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Episode 2

National Digital Identity: Challenges and Opportunity

Victor Dominello – Former Minister for Customer Service, Minister for Digital @ NSW Government

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Episode 3

Building Trust in Online Health

Amanda Cattermole – CEO @ The Australian Digital Health Agency

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